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Investor Coaching - Smart Plan Investing

Investor Coaching

Investor Coaching

At SmartPlan Investing we have found that there is a profound difference in one’s investing journey when they work with a coach. A coach will help you transform your experience with money and investing in a new and powerful way. 

How is coaching different from a traditional financial planning?
How do you know if you are working with a coach or a planner?

Unfortunately, the investor rarely knows whether or not the plan’s recommendations are in their best interest or in the best interest of the planner and his/her firm. In addition, the majority of planners work for a brokerage firm or insurance company, and don’t really work directly for the client. In this case the brokerage firm or insurance company actually controls what products the planner can recommend to clients.

Next, the traditional planning model does very little to educate investors and help them deal with the instincts and emotions that are at the root of a poor investment experience. Almost no effort is given to help clients learn how markets work and how to achieve true peace of mind when investing.

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Jupiter, FL

(770) 450-6625
(561) 744-9516
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At SmartPlan Investing we have found that there is a profound difference in one’s investing journey when they work with a coach. A coach will help you transform your experience with money and investing in a new and powerful way. Explore our upcoming events and talk to a coach today to be registered into the coaching program.